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Data Sources

Recast Owned Data Sources


Clients may transfer data to and from an AWS S3 bucket owned by Recast. For bucket access by the client, Recast will provide the client with a role which can be assumed by an IAM user in the client’s AWS account (preferred) or an access key for an IAM user in Recast’s AWS account (supported).


Clients may transfer data to and from an SFTP server managed by Recast. Authentication may be configured to use a public key (preferred) or a password (supported).

Client Owned Data Sources


Recast may transfer data to and from an AWS S3 bucket owned by the client. For bucket access by Recast, the client may provide Recast with a role which can be assumed by an IAM user in Recast’s AWS account (preferred) or an access key for an IAM user in the client’s AWS account (supported).


Recast may transfer data to and from an SFTP server managed by the client. Authentication may be configured to use a public key (preferred) or a password (supported).

Google Sheets

Recast may transfer data to and from a Google Sheet owned by the client. Recast’s access to Google Sheets is accomplished by sharing the sheets with a Recast service account.

Google Cloud Storage

Recast may transfer data to and from a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket owned by the client. Recast’s access to GCS is accomplished by sharing the bucket with a Recast service account.

Google BigQuery

Recast may transfer data to and from a Google BigQuery warehouse owned by the client. Recast’s access to the warehouse is accomplished by granting the appropriate BigQuery roles to a Recast service account.

Google Drive

Recast may transfer data to and from a Google Drive folder owned by the client. Recast’s access to the folder is accomplished by sharing the folder with a Recast service account.


Recast may transfer data to and from a Snowflake database owned by the client. Recast’s access to the database is accomplished by the client creating a Snowflake user for Recast and providing Recast with that user’s credentials.

Postgres (including Redshift)

Recast may transfer data to and from a Postgres database owned by the client. Recast’s access to the database is accomplished by the client creating a Postgres user for Recast and providing Recast with that user’s credentials.

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