🔼 Determine how much you will have to increase your spend to hit your goal
If you are planning your budget or are in period and are looking to improve your outcome, you can use the optimizer to find how much to increase your spend to hit your goal. The optimizer will also tell you which channels to allocate this spend as well as how to optimally flight your budget throughout your plan period.
Find the spend needed to reach your goal
Navigate to the optimizer. The first step is to set up the optimizer. To find the minimum spend increase, set your target objective to ‘Reach a Target Outcome’.
Find your target for the rest of the period by following the steps outlined in this section.
Fill in your goal target as well as the required confidence.
A lower confidence might give you a lower required spend to hit your goal. However this will also mean a lower probability of hitting your goal.
The optimizer will allocate to channels with a lower uncertainty if you select a higher confidence. This is the ‘low risk’ ‘low reward’ situation where there is also less chance of exceeding your target.
For the constraint date range, select the time period of your plan. If you are in period, select the start date as the first available date in the model and the end date as the last date of your planning period.
Put all the channels into a constraint and add minimum spend as the total remaining planned upper funnel budget. At the start of the period this is the total planned budget. During the period, this is the remaining budget you have to spend.
Set the minimum equal to the remaining planned upper funnel budget and the maximum to a very large number (like 2-5x what you would reasonably spend).
If you have a certain constraint for specific channels you can pull these channels into a separate row and add the amount you would like to spend in these channels to the ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ boxes.
Subtract the amount allocated to the individual channels from the budget allocated to the first constraint with most of the channels.
Run the optimizer.

The optimizer will recommend the spend needed to hit your goal with the required confidence.
The optimizer may show an expected outcome higher than your target. This is because to reach your target with the required confidence, you have to optimize your budget so that you are hitting a higher target on average.