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Establishing our team

To ensure smooth communication throughout your engagement with Recast, we’ll identify key stakeholders and their specific roles. The individuals identified should have the relevant context and the bandwidth necessary to participate.

Customer Team

At minimum, we’ll need the following roles. We recognize that each company is different and some roles will be filled by one or more individuals. You may also have other roles specific to your business.

  • Data Point-of-Contact: this role is responsible for participating in conversations with Recast regarding the structure of the data, timing of data transfers, and resolution of any data issues

  • Model Point-of-Contact: this role is responsible for participating in conversations with Recast regarding the model (its performance, its inferences, etc.), your specific business context, and any analytical requests

  • Billing Point-of-Contact: Recast will reach out to this role to establish invoicing and payment details and for any follow up on invoices throughout the engagement with Recast

Recast Team

As part of your Recast engagement, you’ll be assigned and have access to several points-of-contact, including:

  • Customer Success Manager (CSM): your CSM will work closely with you on managing your onboarding and ongoing collaboration with Recast. They are responsible for scheduling meetings, sharing meeting outcomes and action items, delivering trainings, and ensuring that your overall Recast experience is seamless

  • Customer Data Scientist (CDS): your assigned CDS will work with you on analyzing your data, configuring your model, identifying and resolving any data issues, managing your weekly refreshes, and more!

In addition to the CSM and CDS, you will also be supported by our Head of Strategic Insights and our Head of Customer Success. You may also interact with our billing team. If you ever need support and are unsure of who to reach out to, you can always email and someone will get back to you promptly.

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