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Post-Onboarding Support

Once you're onboarded to Recast, you'll still have ongoing support and communication with the Recast team. This will ensure you continue to achieve maximum value leveraging the Recast app and your model insights. Ongoing support includes:

Ongoing Monthly Syncs

Following your initial model build, your Recast CSM will establish a recurring sync cadence (typically monthly) to ensure you have time to ask questions, talk through tests and experiments, and otherwise continue to drive value through Recast.

It will be up to you to determine the right audience for the ongoing syncs, but they should at least include the key marketing point-of-contact. Your CSM will reach out to you ahead of each sync to collect any agenda items or questions that you want to cover on the call.

An example of what a recurring sync might include is:

  • New channels or model changes

  • Model calibration (e.g. new lift test, time shift changes)

  • Recast-driven tests and results

  • Feedback/retrospective

  • New Recast features

  • Questions

You will also have a quarterly review with your Recast support team where we will discuss how to fit Recast in with your strategic direction. This meeting will typically cover:

  • Business/strategy changes

  • Stakeholder updates

  • Review of key goals and metrics

  • Feedback/retrospective

  • New opportunities to leverage Recast

  • Questions

Jira Service Management

What is JIRA Service Management?

Jira Service Management (JSM) is a service management platform from Atlassian that helps us collaborate more closely on our shared ongoing workflows and gives you a

portal through which you can submit, comment on, and monitor progress on tickets.

How do I log in?

If you do not currently have JSM access, please reach out to your CSM or contact to be invited to the service portal. Once you have access to
the portal, you will be able to log in here.

What can I do in the JSM portal?

Within the service portal, you will be able to raise a request by selecting different options:

General: Add/remove users, report a bug, set up training, share sync items This week’s refresh: Change your schedule (pause/cancel/reschedule), report data issues/new spike for refresh

Model maintenance: Add a context variable, add a spike, add a lift test, add a new channel

Help me: Run a forecast, run an optimization, set up test, set up a goal, set up a custom data export

Investigate further: Investigate model revisions, test a different model configuration

Other: Build a new model, suggest a new feature, suggest improvements, other

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How do I view my open tickets?

In the portal, you can click on your initials in the topright of the portal screen. In the ex

panded menu, you’ll see the option to view your “requests.” Click to view your requests. You can filter by status (e.g. “Open” or “Done”) and search by keyword.

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How can I add a collaborator to a ticket from my team?

If the team member does not yet have JSM access, reach out to your CSM or to get access granted. If they already have access, you can share a ticket with them by going to the ticket via the service portal and clicking the ‘+ Share’ option on the ticket. Add their user/email to the ticket and click “Add.” They will be able to view it and contribute to the ticket.

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What else can I do in JSM?

When viewing an existing ticket, you also have the option to:

  • Add comments to the ticket with new information or updates

  • Escalate a ticket where you need additional support

  • Resolve a ticket you’ve raised if it was resolved outside of the JIRA platform

Have additional questions or issues with JSM? Reach out to your CSM or

Additional Recast Support

Incident Reporting

Please report all incidents to We will respond and resolve all incidents as quickly as possible.

Ad Hoc Questions

Email if you have questions between your regular syncs about:

  • Interpreting and using model output

  • Data science approach to key business challenges

  • Upcoming changes to channels or strategy for your business

  • Upcoming business needs not supported by model output, such as:

    • Detailed reporting on a particular execution

    • Support for key internal or investor meetings

    • Recommendations for strategy adjustment to improve model accuracy and confidence

  • Lift test or experiment results you would like incorporated into your model

  • Adding a new media channel to your model: we will ask you to add the new channel as an additional column but we also need to know so we can update your model configuration

  • Significant changes to the strategy or execution of one of your channels, such as:

    • Working with a new agency

    • Optimizing to a new metric

    • Correct a significant targeting error

  • Significant changes to historical data

  • Decisions you’ve made leveraging Recast results where you want to talk about the value you’ve driven for your business (success stories or when things didn’t turn out as expected)

You can also let us know about any of the following, although our model checks will likely pick these up automatically:

  • Going dark in one or more channels

  • Making minor changes to strategy or targeting (the model should pick up the new ROI)

  • Making minor changes to historical data

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