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Design, Analysis, and Incorporation Strategies for GeoLift Experiments


Before getting into the nitty gritty on tips on how to design, analyze, and configure experiments, it will be helpful to have a higher level overview of how Recast GeoLift works under the hood. Like other synthetic control methodologies, GeoLift works in a fairly simple two step process:

  • Construct a synthetic control such that the control and the test indicator is as close as possible before the test begins. This is demoed on the left half of the top graph with the red and blue lines.

  • Estimated the incremental impact by taking the difference between the test and control after the test ends. This is illustrated with the brown area on the right side of the top graph.

The theory behind this is that if the two groups were identical in the past, any divergence must be attributable to a treatment effect. That treatment effect is the spend intervention we make on the test group.

While we can report results as the estimated number of incremental conversions (or revenue) and be done, we’re usually primarily interested in the efficiency of a channel at driving conversions. To get to that, we have to know how much spend it took to cause the incremental conversions.

The second graph illustrates the change in spend during an experiment. Prior to the experiment, spend between test and control may not have been identical, but it was probably similar. We represent this area with the green shaded area above. The yellow shaded area (D) represents the drop in spend from turning off spend for the test. The purple area (B) shows a slight increase in spend in the control geographies during the test. Finally, the orange area (C) is the difference in spend expected under “business as usual” circumstances.

We can make a few observations about this graph:

  • Area B + D is the amount of spend we would want to use as the “intervention” size when determining incremental CPA/ROI. This is because area C is the gap that we would expect under a business as usual situation, that would keep conversions identical to each other (like they were in the pre-test period).

  • If you maintain business as usual spend perfectly in the controls, area B will be 0. This is the default recommendation on what to do that comes out of our GeoLift tool.

  • Instead, if you move money from the test to the control, B will be greater than 0 (alternatively, if you move money from the control to the test, B will be negative). Note however, that moving $10,000 from test to the control will not make B and D the same size, because the red line (W) is the weighted synthetic control, not the synthetic control. You must weight the spend in each geography by it’s control weight in order to calculate W and the final size of B.

With some preliminaries out of the way, we can provide specific advice for designing and analyzing different types of tests, as well as configuring them in to your Recast MMM.

1. Test turning spend down or off


Follow the basic steps in Recast GeoLift Design, using the “decreasing spend” setting pictured below.


Follow the basic steps in Recast GeoLift Analyze, using the “reduced spend” setting

What we’re really trying to provide is the size of areas B & D from the image above. If you kept spend at business as usual levels, B should be close to 0. In order to know size D, you need to construct the hypothetical line Y (the business as usual spend in the test region), and then compare the difference between Y and your actual spend. A simple way to do this would be to take an average of your recent daily spend in the test geographies, and assume business as usual spend is a continuation of this average. Then the formula for this box is just:

recent average daily spend * length of experiment - actual spend in test geopgraphies

Note that if spend is more complex, such as being highly seasonal due to recent Black Friday promotions, more complex analysis might be required.


If spend was turned all the way off, we’re in the simplest possible situation because the estimated ROI is equivalent to the average ROI from the first dollar spent to the business as usual spend level. In this case we can take the ROI point estimate and standard error from the results as the point estimate and uncertainty to pass to Recast (see here). The start and end dates will align to the start and end of the test (not the cooldown!), the type will be “ROI” and the Time will be “Cumulative”

If you didn’t turn spend all the way off, the result you get will not be the average ROI from $0 to the business as usual spend, but instead the average ROI from some smaller number to the business as usual spend. In this case, we can configure this as an “Impact test” to get more accurate results (note: if spend ended up quite close to 0, the differences in the two methods will be small and it is probably easier to just configure a regular ROI test). To do this we would make the following configuration changes:

  • Set Type=”Impact”

  • Set the point estimate to the estimated change in conversions/revenue (first row of GeoLift Analysis output)

  • Set the uncertainty to (upper bound - lower bound) / 2.56 of the confidence interval on the impact (2nd row in the output)

  • Set Cell1 Typical Spend and Cell2 Typical spend to where the variables are the values defined below. Cell1 and Cell2 are the same because Cell2 is the synthetic control, constructed to match Cell1.

  • Set Cell1 Test Spend Ratio to

  • Set Cell2 Test Spend Ratio to 1


  • is the total spend in the test region before the test started

  • is the total spend in all control regions before the test started

  • is the spend in the test region during the test

  • is the spend in all control regions during the test

  • t is the Cell1 Typical Spend

2. Test turning spend up


Follow the basic steps in Recast GeoLift Design, using the “increasing spend” setting pictured below.


Follow the basic steps in Recast GeoLift Analyze, using the “increased spend” setting

What we’re really trying to provide is the size of areas B & D from the image above, except in this case Z should be higher than W, so things will be flipped. If you kept spend at business as usual levels, B should be close to 0. In order to know size D, you need to construct the hypothetical line Y (the business as usual spend in the test region), and then compare the difference between your actual spend and Y. A simple way to do this would be to take an average of your recent daily spend in the test geographies, and assume business as usual spend is a continuation of this average. Then the formula for this box is just:

actual spend in test geopgraphies - recent average daily spend * length of experiment

Note that if spend is more complex, such as being highly seasonal due to recent Black Friday promotions, more complex analysis might be required.


Because we are not measuring the ROI from going from $0 of spend to another level of spend, we want to configure this as an “Impact test” to get the most accurate results (note: if business as usual spend is quite close to $0, this can be configured as a as a regular ROI test). To do this we would make the following configuration changes:

  • Set Type=”Impact”

  • Set the point estimate to the estimated change in conversions/revenue (first row of GeoLift Analysis output)

  • Set the uncertainty to (upper bound - lower bound) / 2.56 of the confidence interval on the impact (2nd row in the output)

  • Set Cell1 Typical Spend and Cell2 Typical spend to where the variables are the values defined below. Cell1 and Cell2 are the same because Cell2 is the synthetic control, constructed to match Cell1.

  • Set Cell1 Test Spend Ratio to

  • Set Cell2 Test Spend Ratio to 1


  • is the total spend in the test region before the test started

  • is the total spend in all control regions before the test started

  • is the spend in the test region during the test

  • is the spend in all control regions during the test

  • t is the Cell1 Typical Spend


3. Test spend down; control spend up


You can design a test as you normally would (see here), but interpret the results slightly differently. Instead of taking the recommendation to spend $x less in the test geographies, you can interpret it as the difference in spend you need to achieve between the test group and the synthetic control. You basically get to double count the proportion of spend that moves from the test group into the synthetic control. The amount that moves into the synthetic control is proportional to the size of the test group, so we first need to figure out the size of the synthetic control, which is constructed to be the size of the test group.

We can calculate the size of the test group by taking the proportion of the dependent variable (revenue/conversions) that typically happens in the test group relative to the total. Let’s call this p.

Then we can adjust the recommended total spend, R, by dividing it by p, in order to get how much spend we need to move out of the test group and spread out among the controls. For example, if GeoLift recommends cutting spend by 30,000, and our test regions make up 15% of our business, we can instead move $26k (30k/1.15) out of the test region, spread it through the control regions, and get the same effect.


If you followed the steps laid out in the Design stage, the analysis should be straightforward (see here). You should be able to use the spend recommendation from the design as the dollar amount if you followed the plan. If the plan didn’t go quite as expected. For example, you weren’t able to make the cuts as deeply as you wanted or you weren’t able to reallocate all the money to the controls, you may need to adjust this number up or down to reflect what actually happened.

Configuration (Under Construction)

4. Test spend up; control spend down




Running Simultaneous Tests

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