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🧪 Experiments

The experiments page displays a list of the lift tests Recast has ingested into your model. Lift tests are a great way to improve your MMM by incorporating extra information. Use the Experiments page to see the lift tests you’ve ran and see how the Recast model is incorporating the experiments into its estimates

If you have any experiments you would like to include in your Recast model, please speak with the Recast Data Scientist working with your team. They will help ingest the experiment data into your model. You will need to provide:

  • The channel the test applied to

  • The dates the test ran

  • The point estimate and the standard error (or confidence interval) of the test

You can compare Recasts estimates to the results of your test using the dropdown arrow on the right of the lift test bar. Recasts estimates are for the same channel and time period of your lift test. The Recast estimate combines information from the experiment with your MMM model for a more precise estimate. Lift tests can provide narrower confidence intervals than the MMM estimates on their own.

This will show you the channel efficiency estimated by Recast as well as the confidence interval.

This will show you the channel efficiency estimated by Recast as well as the confidence interval.

If you do not have any lift tests yet but are interested in calibrating your model, our Recast Data Scientists can help you set up a test using GeoLift by Recast (Beta).

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