Model Configuration Phase
The Purpose of Model Configuration
One of the key strengths of Recast’s model is that it operates within a fully Bayesian framework. Unlike traditional models, a Bayesian approach requires explicit assumptions from the outset. While all models rely on assumptions, Bayesian models stand out by allowing those assumptions to directly align with the knowledge and context that marketers already have.
The purpose of the Model Configuration call is to capture these assumptions from your team and translate them into inputs the model can work with. Here are a few important things to keep in mind:
This is YOUR model: We want the assumptions to reflect your unique understanding of how your business operates. It’s not about fitting your business into a model, it’s about helping the model fit your business. Confidence and uncertainty matter: For every value we ask for, we’ll also explore your level of certainty in the value you provide and can reflect that certainty in the inputs to the model. One of the model’s primary goals is to take the uncertainty you currently have and reduce it to improve your decision-making. Built-in validation: Our model includes checks to alert us if any assumptions don’t hold or are having an outsized impact on the results, ensuring that the outputs remain reliable and reflect reality.
By grounding the model in what you already know, and understanding what you’re less sure about, we ensure that the model delivers insights that are both relevant and actionable.
Preparing for Model Configuration
A common question we hear from new Recast users is: “How can I best prepare for Model Configuration?” While it might seem counterintuitive, our usual advice is actually to avoid over-preparing, and here’s why:
Trust your instincts and keep an open mind: You know your business better than anyone else, and it’s important to approach the process without being overly influenced by other data sources, which often have their own limitations.
Avoid building on previous models: We don’t want the Recast model to be constrained by assumptions or data from other attribution models. Instead, we aim to create a fresh perspective tailored to your specific needs.
Incorporating experimental lift test results: The most critical data point, the results of experimental lift tests, will be directly incorporated into the model. Recast should already have these from the data collection stage and those will be factored directly into the model to help keep everything aligned!
You may not know, and that is ok!: While the Recast model is the most rigorous MMM on the market, the model configuration stage does not need to be an exact science. All of the rigor we put into building Recast is to help identify any issues with your assumptions! You may not have a strong perspective on a certain channel, and this is not a blocker! We set the model up to reflect your understanding of your business, and where you are less certain, the model will also start with less certainty.
What should you do to prepare?
Gather the Right Team Identify Other Information Sources Preparation Assemble a core group of 3- 5 decision makers to bring to the call Pinpoint relevant data sources such as site tracking, platform data and internal heuristics to kickstart discussions Review the Model Configuration Breakdown in advance, and ask Recast any questions before the call to streamline the meeting.
Model Configuration Breakdown
There are 3 main components to model configuration, below is a bit about each of them so you can use these to inform who you need on the call as well as what you need to bring:
1. Channel-Specific Details
Objective: Understand the nuances of each marketing channel.
Key Questions:
• What is the channel’s role in the customer journey?
• How scalable is this channel?
• Do other marketing channels drive traffic to this channel?
• How does the timing of recorded spend align with consumer exposure to the ads?
2. Time Shifts
Objective: Estimate how long it takes for marketing spend to impact the modeled key performance indicators (KPIs).
Key Scenarios:
• Time to convert when a customer is just beginning to explore the category.
• Time to convert when a customer knows the options and is researching.
• Time to convert when a customer is ready to purchase but needs final confirmation or logistics.
3. Contribution by Business Driver
Objective: Determine how much business is driven by marketing versus other factors.
Factors to Consider:
• Brand equity
• Barriers to entry
• Promotions (both spend-related and non-spend related) Model Configuration

Example: A large, established brand like Google with significant barriers to entry might have a low reliance on marketing, with an estimate that marketing drives only 0%–10% of their business volume.
There are a number of steps Recast performs in order to ensure that your model is performant. Many of the steps are internal, but there are a few steps that will require your input:
Model Configuration Call: this is a conversation about your business where we’ll set inputs for the model. We’ll discuss how the marketing program is currently run and the team’s expectations around channel-level performance (priors), and the size of organic (or non-marketing-driven results, also called “Intercept” in Recast terminology)
Initial results call: we'll review your initial results in the Recast platform and revise results based on your feedback
🔢 Compiling the dataset
See 📊 Data Guide for more information on compiling your data and sharing it with the Recast team.
KPI Selection
Your KPI is your outcome variable that Recast will model. This could include sales, acquisitions, conversions etc. depending on the nature of your business. The KPI is central to the model.
Select your KPI based on how you are measuring your marketing results. When you spend on your marketing, what metric are you tracking to measure effectiveness? This will be your KPI.
If you have multiple KPIs you want to model, reach out to your CSM or and we will talk through options for building multiple models.
Model configuration call
The goal of the model configuration meeting is to infuse the Recast model with your prior knowledge so that the model will return actionable results that align to your general understanding of your business. You will meet with the Recast Customer Data scientists to discuss your business and your current understanding of your marketing performance. This will help us configure your model.

It is important to note that while we ask for your input on priors, our goal is not to highly constrain the model but rather to use your inputs to constrain the parameters to the space of what is truly believable, based on your expertise.
What we generally cover in model configuration:
Channel configuration
Channel setup
Baseline volume
Channel-level ROI
Channel-level time shift
Any outstanding data clarifications that might be required to proceed with model configuration
Control Variables
We typically take a less is more approach with adding control variables to the model, as each variable that is included becomes an additional dependency to be able to make accurate forecasts about the future.
For example, if we were to include App Downloads as a control variable (aka “contextual variable” in Recast terminology) in order to use the Recast forecasting or optimization tools you would need to also be able to predict App Downloads in the future, something marketers do not directly have control over.
Whether or not these all would be valid to include in the model will also depend on the KPIs that we are modeling.
If these are all readily available and simple enough to provide it might be worth sharing them with us, but we would take a parsimonious approach on determining whether or not to add them to the model.
Contextual Variables
Contextual variables in Recast’s model do not have to be expressed exclusively in terms of spend. Recast will ultimately use these variables to better inform our estimates of the Intercept as well as the efficiency of marketing spend.
Channel Breakdown
We need to limit each model to roughly 30 channels or less. How you choose which channels to use will largely be determined by how you think about setting budgets. When you think about channels, it’s important to consider:
What you need to be able to explain when making budget decisions
Collinearity, interdependence of predictors
Granularity of spending
For larger channels, we normally recommend splitting the channels into tactics (e.g. prospecting and retargeting).
For other channels, we consider the following:
Will there be enough spend in the smaller components for the model to get a reasonable signal?
Will you be able to take action based on the model’s recommendations?
Are the channels highly correlated? Unless there is some way of breaking the correlation (like going dark in one of the channels or raising spend in one while lowering the other), the model will not be able to distinguish the effects from two highly correlated channels
Are you planning to spend into channels in the future? If not, we always recommend focusing on the channels where you are planning future spend
Does that channel have significant spend? Channels that make up less than 2% of the budget or have total lifetime spend of <$100k-200k are good ones to consider grouping
Note: We want to make sure all dollars are accounted for. We don't want to leave any marketing spend out of the model completely, as that will bias the results. Therefore, all spend needs a category in the model.
With the flexible model specification Recast uses, there are infinite combinations of parameters that will fit the data equally well. We want to use expert information (generally from the marketing or marketing science team at the brand we’re working with) in order to constrain the parameters to the space of what’s truly believable.
We do this through a prior-setting process that we run in conjunction with marketing experts at the brand we are modeling. Priors are your business estimates about channel ROI, time shifts, baseline volume and saturation. The Recast model uses your estimates as a guardrail to make sure that it is optimizing your budget in a practical and actionable way for your business.
Your priors act as a starting point for the model to base its optimization on. They are assumptions the model makes about the dispersion of your data. If your priors are incorrect (for example, if your estimate of your baseline volume is too high), this may lead to less attribution to your channels, a negatively skewed ROI calculation, and a suboptimal spend recommendation. If you think your priors are set incorrectly, contact
The goals of prior setting include:
Extract true prior beliefs via a set of simple questions non-statisticians are capable of answering
Set relatively uninformative priors so that the results are not unnecessarily biased by those beliefs
There are two places where the priors are especially important to collect from marketers:
Determining the priors on the impact of the intercept vs. marketing variables
Determining priors for the time-shift effects of marketing spend
We ask marketers to give us bounds for these parameters and to identify their most plausible values. The best practice is that the bounds should just be informative enough to exclude values of the parameter that are implausible. We generally avoid using highly informative priors unless there is hard data to support them.
Intercept Prior
When thinking about your intercept (organic) prior, consider:
What percent of your business do you believe would remain if all marketing spend were turned off?
What percent of the KPI is driven by organic demand?
Example: prior setting for intercept or baseline sales variable
In this example, the midpoint of the distribution will be 25% with plausible values ranging between 10% and 70% of the total amount of the KPI.

ROI Priors
To set ROI priors:
We get rough constraints on your ROIs by looking at your historical performance divided by historical spend. This gives us an upper limit on what historical ROI has been. We then take the intercept bounds you provide and “subtract out” the organic component of sales. This gives us a range for the overall marketing ROI, whose width is dependent on how wide the range was for the intercept
Next, we expand this range to incorporate the idea that some channels are better than other channels and some time periods are better than other time periods. As a rule of thumb we assume that some channels on some days will be 3x better than the average, and some channels on some days will be 3x worse than the average. By looking at the range created from simulating a “low organic, high performing channel” and a “high organic, low performing channel” we end up with a broad range, but one that is in the realm of plausibility for a company with their spend and sales volume
While we can tweak these ROI ranges for specific channels based on your knowledge about performance, we usually do not because clients should look to our MMM as an independent, confirmatory voice regarding the performance of their channels. If we change the ROI priors to reflect previous biases, it becomes difficult to interpret whether the final results are driven by the data observed or by previous biases.
During our model configuration conversation re: ROI priors, we’ll ask you “What do you expect the CPA/ROI to be for each channel?”
Note: Recast support provides a breakdown of implied ROI/CPA vs. Intercept (baseline performance). Leave these set to the implied value based on the Baseline Performance, allowing the model to entirely determine channel efficacy
Example: ROI configuration

Time Shift Priors ▫️
For each channel that Recast will be modeling, we’ll ask “How long do you believe it takes for the full effect of the spend to be realized?”
We elicit time shift priors by asking you to estimate the range of days it takes for the full effect of spend to be observed.
Typically we expect channels that are higher up the funnel to have more long-term impact and the effects of channels lower down the funnel to be shorter-lived. For instance, we would generally recommend setting the time shift bounds for a linear TV channel to be higher than the bounds for a non-branded search channel.
Example: time shift prior configuration
These numbers set prior bounds on the number of days since day 0 (the day of spend) until 95% of the effect has been exhausted. The bounds on “facebook_retargeting” in the image above are 2 to 10 with a midpoint of 5, which means that 95% of the effect could be exhausted by day 2 or by day 10, or any time in between, and that the most likely length is 5 days.

Tips for setting good time shift priors:
Time shift bounds should represent the range of effect lengths that are plausible
If a channel is expected to have a longer time shift, don’t set the lower bound to 0. You wouldn’t really believe all the effects could be exhausted on the day of spend, right?
Be wary of setting very long time shift priors. It is very hard to distinguish an effect lasting longer than 90 days from background organic demand changes
Channel-level saturation
Channel level saturation is how we determine the scalability of your channels. To identify the saturation, it’s important to consider:
Which of your channels do you feel could not be scaled up further from their current spend levels under business as usual conditions? (e.g. search, retargeting)
Which of your channels could you increase spend in without expecting a large decrease in efficiency? (e.g. channels with a large addressable audience, low frequency)
Changing your priors post-model configuration
If your business has seen a large change in ROI, timeshifts, baseline performance, or saturation of any given channel, it is essential to update your priors. Contact and we will help you configure your model accordingly.