Recast Knowledge Base

Welcome to the Recast Knowledge Base! A one stop shop to learn everything Recast.
This space is intended to support you in maximizing the benefit you gain from using Recast by empowering you with knowledge, tutorials, and troubleshooting support.

This hub is designed to help you understand what channels contribute to your sales, optimize your marketing budgets, and plan for the future.

Overview of Sections

The Recast Tools
Learn more about the various tools in your Recast dashboard. The Optimizer, Forecaster, Goals and Insights tools all come together to help you plan, measure, and validate your marketing spend.

Find helpful terms in our glossary and key tips for troubleshooting. Dive in to the Recast Methodology to understand how the model works and our MMM philosophy. Need additional support? Email [email protected].

How To
Guides for going beyond using Recast for everyday insights. Become a power user by harnessing our workflow-based guides on how to optimize your Recast experience.

Jump start your Recast knowledge with our onboarding walkthrough. This section will guide you through our entire onboarding process: from establishing the team to identifying the KPIs you want to measure to taking action on your initial results!